(A Nursing Mother Who Got A Flatter Tummy Following My Advice. NOTE: She Is Slim And Got A Flatter Belly)

And Here's What She Has To Say In The Exact Email She sent to Me Below:

FINALLY You Can Now Put An End To Your Months & Years Of
Belly Fat Agony

- And Get Your Own Flat Belly Starting From Today...

You Will Get a Flatter Belly Faster With This Secrets Than If You Run
2 Hours On The Treadmill In The Gym Daily. You Will Be Able To Measure The Difference In Your Waist Line Within weeks.

My Dear Flat Belly Subscriber And Friend,

If you currently have a "big belly" that sticks out every time you wear a fitted cloth and this has given you a lower self esteem, make you too self conscious and prevent you from wearing the dress you want, then I want you to pay attention to this very important letter because its the most important message you will ever read today.

Why is that?

This is because I am about to hand over the exact Natural Belly Fat Burning secrets that over 450 Nigerian women (and men) just like you have used over the past 2 years to burn off excess UGLY Belly fat that has plagued them all their lives and replaced it with a flatter, toned belly that looks good in body hugging dresses.

But Before I Continue...

Let me tell you a bit about myself and why you SHOULD pay attention to what I am about to reveal to you:

My name is Olu Aijotan and I am a Nutrition and Fitness coach.

One thing you should know about me is that, I am not a doctor. I'm not an expert in medicine either. I do not have a University degree in anything remotely related to health studies or any of those mumbo jumbo letters like phd. JP etc. in front of my name.

That title of Nutrition and fitness coach was given to me by hundreds of Nigerian women I have helped to shed off unwanted fat off their body and belly area simply because the flat belly secrets I handed over to them gave them a flatter belly and worked for them better than all the slimming teas, weight loss pills and local herbs and bitter concoction they have tried in the past that never worked!

Let Me Show You Some More Testimonies From Some Of These REAL Nigerian's Just Like You That I Have Helped To Get A Flatter Belly And Amazing Trimmed Body...


(You can Even See The Rolls Of Fat Under Her Clothe Before She started, Now, It has Dissappeared!)

Here's Her Back View "Before" And "After" Picture
 Below Too.....

And Here's The Email She Sent To Me After Losing The Extra Rolls Of Fat From Her Tummy Area:

Now that I have shown you BEFORE and AFTER photos from two women who have given me permission to show you their photos, let me share some other email testimonials I received via email as well:

E-Mail Testimony #1

Aderonke's Testimony

She reduced her belly size by 4 inches


 E-Mail Testimony #2

Omolara's Testimony

She reduced her belly size by 4.5 inches


And here's another one from a lady who asked that her surname is not published...

E-Mail Testimony #3

Eniola's Testimony

She Dropped From Size 12 To Size 8


E-Mail Testimony #4

Gbemmy's Testimony

Her brothers Waist Size Reduced by 6 Inches And She herself Got a Flatter Belly

And just before I go on, I have another picture testimonial again to tell you that my belly fat loss advice is safe, healthy and works. I want you to check out the below testimony too:

"The Amazing Story And "Before" & "After" Pictures From Vivian Who Used My
Fat Loss Advice"

Vivian (a wife to a wonderful husband and mother to many gorgeous kids) sent in her testimony after using my fat loss program over a 1 month period. Here's the first email she sent me:

E-Mail Testimony #5

She lost 2 inches off her waist. Her Husband is very happy, and She is also happy too.

About 30 minutes later... She sent me her photos for me to see them (see the email below):



She specifically did not want to share her photo publicly initially. Here's my reply to her email back in response:

But after assuring her of utmost privacy by erasing any mention of her full name, email address and her face, she finally agreed (with her husbands consent) to allow me put her testimonials up to motivate you and encourage you to get on this program as well.

Here's the email she sent me to give me permission to share her "before" and "after" photo with you below:


Finally, Here's the "Before" and "After" Photo Of Vivian When She Used My Fat Loss Program:

VIVIAN LOST 8kg, Burnt 5 Inches of Belly Fat 
AND Got Rid Of Her "BIG BELLY"

NOTE - Vivian Is Married With Kids And She achieved a Flatter Belly.

So, why am I showing you these testimonies?

I am showing you these testimonies for two major reasons:

Reason # 1 - To Show you that I am very experienced with this and I have REAL proven results to back it up.

Reason # 2 - To show you that you too can get rid of UGLY fat and achieve a flatter belly just like the people in the testimonials I showed you above.

Let Me Reveal Something To You...

If you are reading this page, chances are that your belly has suddenly grown bigger over the past few months or possibly years.

For you, it could be that you don't know how it started, or maybe you've just got married or spend most of your time at a desk and you discover that your belly is getting bigger or maybe you've recently had a baby and you are a nursing mother or just maybe your own "big tummy" has been there from the last time you had your last child or caesarean operation...

...And Every Time You Wake Up In The Morning

With huge optimism and enthusiasm, you do your toiletries and get dressed in front of the mirror...your can see your "big belly" and suddenly...

Your optimism sinks into oblivion, your enthusiasm suddenly turns into a sadness and your confidence which was at an all time high suddenly starts to drop like a crashing Sosoliso plane.

If You Relate With The Above...

Then I know you've become so tired of watching the BELLY FAT ruin your confidence that you decided to do something about it....

So you did what most people would do...which is a BIG Mistake:

A. Put yourself on a Starvation Diet; where you starve yourself of food for hours and only eat just one meal per day all in the name of getting a flat belly, and despite putting your body under so much stress, you have nothing to show for it.

B. You buy Chinese slimming tea and slimming concoctions through recommendation from friends and put yourself through the torture of drinking the foul smelling drinks without seeing any result whatsoever.

C. Paying exorbitant money at the gym and you don't even have time to go there to use the equipments and even the period you did, you did not see any measure of result.

The Truth Is.....

You did not See any result because all these methods DO NOT work to get rid of Belly Fat.

For you to get rid of the fat around your belly completely for good, you need to use SECRETS that has been proven to work times and times over and over again by people who are just like you who have the same predicament as you.

And I have Access To That Secret...

And the good news is that, I have put the entire secrets into a 28 day program that you can follow and get the same EXACT result like the people you saw in the testimonials above.

And I am about to hand over that secret to you right now, so you can use it to achieve your own goal of a Flatter Belly and fit into that body hugging dress and command respect from your husband, partner, family, friend and colleagues at work:

Introducing - The Flat Belly Miracle Program!

How To Burn Off Unwanted Ugly Fat
Around Your Midsection And Get A Flatter Belly That
Brings Out Your Amazing Sexy Body.

Here Is What You Will Discover Inside The Flat Belly Miracle Program




REVEALED! The easiest and fastest way to rapidly lose belly fat in record time.

The BIGGEST PROBLEM for most people is knowing what actually works. They are totally confused and have tried so many different things without success. Is this you? Your search is over, I will reveal to you the easiest and fastest way to get your desired flat tummy.




The No.1 thing you MUST do FIRST before you even think of doing anything whatsoever to get rid of the fat around your belly area.

Most people Ignore this one thing and it takes them back to square 1. This one thing has enabled over 400 of my client to drop 4 - 5 inches off their belly in few weeks. Infact, if you want to work with me to get rid of your belly fat, this is the exact thing I'll ask you to do first.





The 3 major lies that food manufacturing companies, Weight Loss MLM's and many "so called certified gym trainer tell you about Belly Fat Loss

All these lies will be exposed to you. You will know the truth about belly fat loss and no one will bamboozle you ever again! Not even those network marketers that sell you Aloe Vera drinks and Chinese slimming teas.




The two types of belly fat that makes your belly Big and how one of them is actually VERY dangerous to your liver, kidney and other internal organs

Many people that IGNORE these type of fat end up with internal organ diseases overtime. I won't mention names, but I am sure you know about some Nigerian celebrities who have suffered with this and appealed for donation through media recently.




The 17 fatty Nigerian foods that deliberately store fat in your midsection and cause the skin there to protrude out.

When you know these 17 Nigerian foods, you will avoid them and stop your body from piling on more and more fat.




You will be exposed to over 25 belly fat burning completely Nigerian meals that target the fat in your belly and start to burn them off on steroids.

That's right. All these meals are Nigerian meals and you can buy them from any local market right here in Nigeria. Once you start to prepare and eat these meals, your tummy will gradually start to go down inch by inch that people around you would think its a complete miracle.




The simple but effective workout routine that increase the burn rate of fat around your belly area by at least 40%.

These simply workout will speed up the pace at which your belly fat reduces inch by inch every week and make you see visible result beyond your own imagination that will want to make you do this every minute of the day.




The little-known but effective secret belly fat burning drink used by most Nigerian celebrities to get a flatter stomach.

This secret drink alone would cure your sugar cravings, speed up your metabolism and target fat around your abdomen and burn it continuously until it becomes flat.

We are not done yet. Here's additional secrets that will become yours and you can use to burn belly fat:



The never shared before secret to get back your body after pregnancy.

This is for you if you are a nursing mum who just gave birth. In it, I reveal secrets that is arguably known to be used by Mercy Johnson to get her sexy body back after giving birth to her baby.



A "round the clock" method to eat up to 5-6 times daily and still burn belly fat.

With this method, you will NEVER have to starve yourself ever again.



The MAGIC trick of pure sparkling water in burning extra calories from your belly everyday.

Use this trick and you will burn more fat off your body without lifting a finger



The right mindset you need to win the war on belly fat.

This single element is what is limiting a lot of people from getting the result of a flatter belly. But I'll reveal it to you and you will use it to your advantage.



And much more! Infact, you will get EVERYTHING I have discovered about getting rid of belly flat and getting a flatter belly from helping over 450 Nigerian men and women. I will NOT hold anything back.

But....Wait A Little Bit More!
That is Not All...

When you order for the Belly Fat Loss Miracle Program within the next 48 hours, you will also get the following THREE SPECIAL BONUSES...

SPECIAL FREE BONUS #1:  Access To My "Get Your Body Back After Pregnancy" Program

This book is for you if you just gave birth and you are a nursing mother. In it, you will learn the simple stretch workout secrets of getting your body back in shape after pregnancy just like mercy Johnson did. You will get this FREE of CHARGE when you order your own copy of The Flat Belly Miracle Program

Worth N3,500 only.


SPECIAL FREE BONUS #2 - Access To My Breast Firming Secrets Report

This report will reveal the how you can firm up your breast naturally and make it look more perkier, and shapely without any surgery whatsoever.

I could sell this material on its own for N4,500, but You will get this report FREE of CHARGE


SPECIAL FREE BONUS #3 - Access To My "Stretch Mark Report"

This book was written by a skin care expert friend of mine based in the United States. You will get a collection of home remedy secrets to Erase stretch Mark from your body. You will also receive this as a bonus copy when you get yourself on The Flat Belly Miracle Program

Worth N5,800 only

To further Sweeten This Deal
For You...

I want to ensure that you have no reason not to get yourself a copy of The Belly Fat Loss Miracle, so I have decided to make it a no brainer for you by offering you another extra bonus below:



If you get yourself a copy of the Belly Fat Loss Miracle Program today, I am going to give you a 4 weeks coaching and support.

This means you will receive weekly emails from me and you will have access to my private email and telephone number.

You will be able to ask me any questions and I'll answer you without charging you a single kobo extra.

TRUST ME: NO other dietician or fitness coach will do this for you without charging you a retainer fee for this service. But you get it ABSOLUTELY for free.

So you see that you have ABSOLUTELY have no reason not to get yourself a copy of this Belly Fat Loss Miracle Program right now.

How Much Is The FLAT BELLY

Let me ask you, how much do you think this program is worth?

Before you answer that question, I want you to consider the value of what you will get from this program.

This program will save you a lot of heart ache. It will save you embarrassment and ridicule, It will save your marriage and relationship. Think about it, even SEX will be more fun when you have a flatter belly. Instead of being used to just one style, you
will be able to try all the various different ones. You will be hapy, your partner will be very happy.

Not only that it will give you back your self confidence and self worth and even make all those who use to sneer at you to want to be on your good side.

I could easily charge N15,000 for the Belly Fat Loss Miracle Program. Not only that, the value of the bonus is nearly N20,000 on its own.

But you know what?

I want to see you get a flatter belly. I want to see you have amazing testimonies like that of the women I showed you above, I want to see your life transform because I derive a lot of joy in bringing smiles on the faces of people.

This is why I have decided to place the cost of The Flat Belly Miracle Program At A Easy Price Of Just:

 Just... N6,500 ONLY



I am doing a Weekly Sale From Today 25th August 2014 - Till 31st August 2014)  Just for You Because You Are Abiodun Romiluyi's Subscriber And friend Which You Can Take Advantage Of Today!

So This Is How This Weekly Sale goes:

Order btw 25th August - 31st August 2014 and pay just N4,950 Only

Order between 1st September - 7th September you pay N5,950 Only

Order After the 8th September 2014, And you will have to pay N6,500 only. (The Original price)

What this means is that, starting form today, 25th August 2014, the price of getting The Belly Fat Loss Program will Increase by N1,000 every week until 8th September 2014 when the price goes up and stays PERMANENTLY at N6,500 only.


So go take advantage RIGHT AWAY and get yours at the discount price of just N4,950 above before the price goes up.

NOTE - I am absolutely so sure that the Flat Belly Miracle will help you get a flatter belly and an amazing body that I have decided to take all risk from you by giving you....

My 100% No Nonsense, Iron Clad, No Risk 365 Days Money Back Guarantee!

I am 100% confident that the Belly Fat Loss Miracle Program will work for you, and I say…go ahead and get it.

I want you to use it for the next 365 Days (one year), and if at any time within the 365 Days, you use this program and you do not see any visible result, I want you to simply send me an email  and I’ll REFUND 100% every single kobo you paid. All of it, No questions asked!

You see, I can make an Iron – Clad Guarantee like this because I know the Flat Belly Miracle Program will work for you.

It has changed hundreds of people’s live, and I know it will DEFINITELY change yours! It’s as simple as that.

So there you have it, with a guarantee like the above, I have taken the ENTIRE risk off you and eliminated every excuse you may have not to try out the Flat Belly Miracle Program. You have everything to gain from trying out The Belly Fat Loss Miracle Program and nothing to lose.

All you need now is to place your order for a copy of The Flat Belly Miracle Program by following the below instructions:

How To Order For The Flat Belly Miracle Program:

STEP 1 - Pay the sum of N4,950 into any of the bank details below:

Bank Name - Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)
Account Name – Tunity Services
Account Number – 003-5858-507


Bank Name – United Bank For Africa (UBA)
Account Name – Tunity Services
Account Number – 101-4607-102

NOTE - If you are unable to go to the bank, you can ask someone to pay on your behalf, do a direct transfer through Internet banking, mobile money transfer or ATM direct transfer. 

STEP 2 - Once you make payment, simply send me the details of your 
payment to   

Kindly make sure the subject of the email reads: Flat Belly Miracle Program Payment

Details to be sent are:

-Your Full Name
- The Amount You Paid
- Teller No (No need for this if you paid via internet banking)
- Date Of Payment
- Telephone Number
- Payee Name

Once I confirm your payment, I will send you your own copy of The Belly Fat Loss Miracle In Soft Copy Via email download within 24hours.

NOTE  - Since this material is in soft copy, it will only be available as a download. No hardcopy will be sent via courier.

None of these materials are available in any bookshops In Nigeria. They are only available in Soft copy for this program.


So what are you waiting for?

Don't delay, go order your own copy right away so you can get access to The 3 Bonus materials advertised on this page.

Also, remember that the price will go up every week from now. Go place your order now, you no longer have any excuse.

I wish you a flatter amazing belly.

Yours Sincerely,

Olu Aijotan & Abiodun Romiluyi

(Your Fitness and Nutrition Coach & Expert)

P.S. - Right now, you don't have any excuse not to have a flatter belly. But if you insist on not waging war on your "BIG BELLY" by getting this program, here's what you can look forward to...

Months and years of mental torture from family and colleagues negative remark that can lead to depression...low self esteem and a lack of will have less energy...a bigger body...a pregnant tummy that keeps pushing out...and you will have to wear dresses that are bigger than you for the rest of your life...not to talk of internal organ diseases like kidney and liver diseases etc.

P.S.S - You don't want all of these to happen to you. Get yourself a copy of The Flat Belly Miracle Program today and join other 450 Nigerian women and men like yourself to get a flatter belly, an amazing belly and a sexier body that your partner, friends, families and everyone around you will appreciate and praise you for.

P.S.S.S - And do remember, you have 365 days money-back-guarantee on this program. Use this program for up to 1 year after you purchase it. If you don't see any eye popping, jaw dropping result within 28 days of using it within the one year period, simply let me know and I'll pay back every single kobo you paid for this program!

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