How To Lose Weight During
Ramadan Fasting!

NOTE: Also Applies To Christians Who Fast too

From The Desk Of: Coach Olu Aijotan
Time: 07.53

Dear Fat Loss Subscriber,

The Ramadan Fasting has officially begun. I have received so many emails from subscribers over the past few days asking for advice on how to eat healthy and lose weight during this period.

I one wrote a short article about this last year(2013) and you can read last years article at this link

But this year, I have decided to go the extra mile.

As your Nutrition and Fitness Coach, I have decided to write you a more comprehensive guide to a healthy fasting during Ramadan.

Both Christians and Muslims practice fasting. While the Muslim fasting is called "Ramadan", the Christians fasting is popularly known as Lent.

Fasting generally is a GREAT opportunity to strengthen yourself spiritually and to give yourself an opportunity to practice self restraint.

The Ramadan Fasting Is Also An Excellent
Time To Shed Some Extra Pounds Of Excess Fat

While Observing Spiritual Obligation.

This comprehensive guide applies to both Christians & Muslims, so if you fast at any point in time, you can refer to this comprehensive guide to fasting.

RULE #1 - Fasting Is Good for your Healthy If Done Correctly

You will lose weight if you starve your body of food.

Your body will start to burn your body's excess fat and use it as energy to keep your organs, system functioning.

However, if you starve your body of food for too long, your body's metabolism will start to slow down and you will start losing muscles which will make you feel tired easily, famished and even cranky.

But The Good News Is....

Ramadan fast only last from dawn till dusk. This means you will NOT be fasting for too long and your predawn and dusk meals can be used to replenish your body and keep the metabolism going very fast.

When you eat "Pre dawn" and "Dusk" meals, and your metabolism keeps burning off lots of the food, it continues to burn off the excess fat too.

Rule #2 - Eat The Right Amount Of Calories

Don't break your fast with overeating. If you do, you might be eating more calories than your body require daily.

I know it's tempting to want to eat as much food as possible because you've been fasting all day, but put "discipline" at the back of your mind.

Remember, discipline and self control is one of the messages behind fasting.

Rule #3 - Break Your Fast With Weight Loss Foods

Be choosy about the types of meals you use in breaking your fast. If you are currently on my program - The 30 Day Fat Loss Program, use the meal ideas in the meal plan to break your fast.

Break your fast with weight loss foods that are very high in fibre. You should make sure it contains foods from all of these major food groups:

Fruits & Vegetables e.g. Ugwu, Apple, Mango, Cucumbers etc
Complex carbs e.g. Potatoes, bran, cereal
Meat and fish e.g. Lean beef, tilapia, titus, cat fish, egg etc

To give you direction on exactly how to cook weight loss meals that you can eat to break your fast, you can get a copy of my new material called "The 100% Nigerian Fat Loss Recipe Cook Book" at this link here

With this cookbook you will be able to eat delicious fat burning meals to break your fast at pre-dawn and dusk.

Rule #4 - Avoid The Following Bad Foods

The 100% Nigerian Fat Loss Recipe Cookbook will also help you avoid all those bad foods that causes you to eat too much and gain weight such as:

1. Deep fried foods e.g. Deep frying Dodo, Fish, Chicken, buns, chin chin etc
2. High sugar and high-fat foods e.g. Pastries, Gala, Eba, Akpu, Coke etc

Instead, cook healthily by grilling, baking, boiling, shallow frying (use 1 teaspoon olive oil to fry) your meals. These methods are healthier and helps you retain the taste and flavour of your meals.

Rule #5 - Hydrate your body When Your Break Your Fast

Drink a lot of water when you break your fast. Start with just one glass of water. Drink it slowly before you eat anything else.

Then all through the night before you sleep and when you wake up for "pre dawn" meals, drink lots of water (up to 8 glasses). This will hydrate your body and help your body's blood circulation.

Rule #6 - Do Light Exercise/Workout

Do light/moderate exercise. One hour before you break your fast, you can take a 10 - 20 minutes brisk walking exercise or doing jumping jacks exercise.

If you prefer to do your workout after you break your fast, this is also allowed. Just make sure you do it 2 hours after your meal as you want to ensure your food has digested before working out.

Try not to do high intensity workouts. If you feel highly motivated and fit enough, save it till night time where you can drink all water you want and sweat it out before you sleep.

If you are already on any of my weight loss program below, And you've been losing weight before Ramadan, then don't worry, Just use the guide on this page in addition and you'll easily continue to burn fat and lose more weight.

And if you are yet to get any of these programs, you should kickstart by getting yourself a copy of my new program titled "The 100% Nigerian Fat Loss Recipe Cookbook" below :

If you want a flatter belly, and good looking body, all you need to do is use this cookbook to prepare delicious fat burning meals that you can eat when you break your fast and you will see amazing result like the women on the testimonials that are on the page that you see when you click the link below.

Click This Link To Get Your Own Copy Of
The 100% Nigerian Fat Loss Recipe Cookbook Today!

Please leave comments as susual I want to hear your thoughts.

So that's all for today. I wish all our Muslim brothers and Sister...

Happy Healthy Ramadan

Olu AIjotan

Your Fat Loss & Nutrition Coach

P.S - I realize that it can be difficult figuring out WHAT food to eat & exactly what
to do when trying to lose weight.

And I realize that a lot of times, you may be quite busy with work & never have time to actually focus on burning excess body fat to help you transform your body and give you your confidence back.

That is why I got you covered. In the 100% Fat Loss Cook Book Recipe, you'll get the exact meals to eat. You'll never have to worry about eating the wrong foods to break fast.

P.S.S - Take the meal plan & the fat loss routines as it is, use it - you have my express permission to do this. And watch as the excess body fat melt off your body.

CLICK HERE: To Get Your Own Fat Loss Recipe Cook Book

Copyright - Inspira Publishing - All Right Reserved


All content on this site except when expressly stated) is owned by Olu Aijotan/ Publishing.

The views I share about weight loss as a health related topic are based on my own opinion and
experience and should not be taken as a substitute for medical advice. If you have an ailment, make
sure you see your doctor.

The testimonials on this website reflects the results of my committed subscribers. Individual eight/fat loss result will vary from person to person.