Another Testimony

How Akon Went From Dress Size 26 Down To Size 18!

...See Also How She Lost 22kg Of Fat And See The "Before" and "After" pictures of her body transformation!

Dear Friend & Suscriber,

Yesterday, I recieved a whatsapp message from one of my fat loss client.

Her name is Akon Ukpanah. She is a working class, married mother (with 1 kid) and she told me a very touching story that made me cry!

About 6 months ago, Akon reached out to me via email.

At the time, she was weighing a total of 127kg and wears a dress size 26!

She asked me to advice her on how she can lose weight, however her case is also quite special.

Due to a leg injury, she could not do any form of exercise.

So I coached her exactly on how she can lose weight by eating healthy meals and advised her on how to lose all the excess weight.

Akon listened to my advice. Despite the fact that she could not do much exercise for her weight loss, she followed the healthy meal plan that I prepared for her.

And guess what?

Six months later, she lost a total of 22kg and she dropped from dress size 26 down to dress size 18!

Rather than tell you the rest of the story, I will give you access to the whatsapp conversation I had with Akon.

Please note: She gave me permission to share this whatsapp message with you

WhatsApp Message Between Me (Olu) And Akon

NOTE: She gave me her permission to share the above screenshots.

 She is NOT yet at her desired weight, but she believe that her story will encourage YOU too to start your own weight loss journey.

REVEALED: See her "Before & After Pictures Below

Can you see how Akon's body changed dramatically?

PLEASE NOTE: She is still on this journey. She has lost 22kg so far. She wants to lose another 20kg over the next few months.

This is the POWER of the weight loss coaching and advice that I gave to Akon Ukpanah.

And YOU too can benefit from this coaching today. All you need to do is to sign up for my 90 Day Coaching.

In this coaching, I am going to coach YOU and 49 other people to lose weight over a 3 months (90 days) period!

Follow the below link to sign up for this coaching today.

Click This Link To Sign Up for 90 Day Coaching Program Today


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