Finally, It is Now Time To Get Rid Of Excess Fat You Don't Want From Your Body!

...PLUS Why All The Fat Loss Pills Out There Don't
Work And What You Can Do To Get Rid Of
Excess Fat By December 2014!

From the desk of: Coach Olu Aijotan
Time: 07.39am

Dear Friend & Subscriber,

Few days ago, I sent you a heartfelt but FRANK email. That email contains the best possible advice I could possibly give you on fat loss.

If you miss it, I STRONGLY suggest you do a quick mail search to read it.

Today's newsletter which you are reading right now is a follow up to that email, so I want you to pay attention and read it to the end.

Whatever you do, do NOT ignore the TRUTH I am about to share with you on this page.

Let me tell you a SECRET:

The ONLY Healthy Way To Get Rid Of Arm, Belly, Thigh And Love Handles Fat Is to EAT Healthy Fat Burning Meals and DO Fat Burning Workouts!

That is the TRUTH. Take it or Leave it.

If you have been on my mailing list long enough, you will know that the above message is what I preach on a daily basis.

But trust me, I still get some people who ask me via email to tell them the name of "drugs" they can take that will help them get rid of fat without doing any work.

Take For Instance, This Message From a Subscriber
Below (highlighted in yellow)

PLEASE NOTE - I am only using this comment to prove a point...


You see, I don't blame this lady for wanting a drug that works.

Let's be realistic, wont you consider it a miracle if you can just go to the "chemist", purchase some drugs over the counter, swallow it with water and wake up with a slimmer body the following day?

Unfortunately, the reality of losing weight does NOT work that way.

You will see a lot of ads online and TV telling you about one latest slimming pill, shakes, herbs etc.

They give them various emotional persuasive names e.g. "fat binder" etc

But The TRUTH is, 99% Of All These Pills Are
Expensive and Do Not Work!

Even the ones that "seem to work" use an unhealthy laxative method that induces your body to excrete undigested food.

Imagine going to the toilet five times daily and excreting half digested rice, beans, amala, pounded yam etc

Not Healthy At All!

But what If I tell you that, You can ERASE every pound of fat on your body without using any of those pills and slimming drugs that don;t work.

What if I tell you that you can melt that flabby mound of fat on your belly and get rid of all the love handles on your side too.

But I Won't Lie To You.

It will REQUIRE commitment on your part. You must be willing to put aside any excuse you may have and be determined to create TIME to do what it takes to burn off the excess fat!

Speaking Of TIME...

Recently, a lady sent me an email, and told me she has a 2 year old, a full time job and must leave the house by 7pm and get back home at 6pm and because of this does not have time to lose weight.

If you are in the same shoe like this lady and you believe you won't have the time to lose weight or do exercise, then I want to encourage you to do something that many of my clients do that gives them RESULTS.

They look into their schedule and eliminate activity that are not relevant and replace it with their fat loss activity.

For example, I have a client who is a banker and resumes at work at and leave work at 9pm.

She has 3 kids and she was able to lose a whooping total of 15 kilograms of unwanted fat in 3 Months!

She was able to achieve this by going to bed 30 minutes early and doing her workouts in the morning before going to work.

She was DESPERATE to lose her excess weight, and she created time out of no time to it!

Now, Let me ask...Are you desperate?

If you are not, then I want to encourage you to be desperate!

If You Are DESPERATE, You Will Find Time,
If You Are Not, You Will Find An Excuse!

Over the past 2 years, I have created several programs that has helped lots of Nigerian men and women to transform their body and lives...

These men and women went from being fat to becoming skinnier, from a low self confidence to higher confidence, from an unhappy marriage and sex life to having a happy marriage and sex life.

They followed my fat loss advice and mentorship, and created time out of their busy schedule using the tips I share with them and they were able to get AMAZING results!

But don't take my word for it...

Here's some REAL, LIVE testimonies from just a few of these people whose lives have been transformed through the programs I created...

From 136kg Down To 125kg (Lost 11kg!)


Her Friend Saw Her Pix On Blackberry and thought
She Used Slimming Drugs!


She Lost 25kg Of Fat!


She is 13kg Lighter!)


Right as I speak, there are NEARLY 250 testimonials in my inbox that it will be IMPRACTICABLE for me to put them all on this page.

Also, if you remember rightly, I admitted 50 people to my 90 Day Coaching Program. Infact, that program was oversubscribed as 12 people paid late.

Its been two weeks since these 50 people kick-started their 90 Day Coaching, and guess what, many of them are already losing pounds of fat off their body.

Here's Some Live Testimony From Two Of Them...

She Lost 4kg & 1.2 Inches in Just 2 Weeks!


She Lost 5kg Of Fat in 14 Days!

So Why Am I Sharing Some Of These Testimonies?

I am sharing to show you that "weight loss pills" will NOT get you the type of result above and that my fat loss programs and coaching is transforming lives of many people just like YOU!

But...Enough of them...

Today's message is for YOU!

Finally, it is now time for you to get rid of the excess fat that you don't want from your body!

Which brings me to something that I have for YOU, that I know will help you achieve success on your fat loss journey, so please pay attention.

Right now, we have JUST 96 Days Left
before the end of year 2014!

This means that you now have less than 3 months before Christmas to lose weight, burn off fat and get the body you desire.

You don't want to start this year with excess fat and also end it with excess fat.

In Essence, You Have a Race

So on the heels of the ongoing success of many of my 90 Day Coaching Clients, I am still getting some request from others who missed out on it...

This is why I have decided to set up a 60 Day Coaching Program to help another set of 35 people to get rid of up to 10kg - 20kg of fat over the next 2 months!

In this 60 Day coaching, I will MENTOR you, give you a rapid fat burning meal time table, and workout that you will follow.

Not only that, I will coach you on a daily basis and motivate you for the next 60 days to lose weight.

By December 2014, you will have lost excess fat on your body, be able to wear dresses you've kept for years in your wardrobe and many people who see you during the festive period will be SHOCKED at your body transformation!

PLEASE NOTE: This is the ONLY time I will run this 60 Day coaching.

I am doing it for the benefit of those who missed out on the 90 Day Coaching but still want to lose  weight and burn excess fat before end of year 2014.

Now, Listen Up...~
This is NOT For Everyone.

It is only for people who have back fat, arm fat, fat around the belly, thigh fat etc and ABSOLUTELY MUST lose between 10kg - 20kg before the end of year 2014.

So if this sounds like you, and you are REALLY serious about getting your desired body, then I want you to look out for my email on Monday where I'll tell you how to register for the 60 Day Coaching.

Now, let me mention that there will be a registration fee for this 60 Day Coaching. And to prepare your mind, I will tell you this charge will be N7,500 N6,500 Only!

So if you missed out on the 90 Day Coaching Program due to whatever reason, you now have another opportunity to jump on another chance.

I want you to take advantage when I send you instructions on how to register for the 60 Day Coaching on Monday 29th September 2014 at!

That will be all for today. I'll talk to you again on Monday.

Do have a lovely weekend.


Olu Aijotan

PS - If you have any questions, please feel free to reply my email. I'll be more than happy to answer them :)

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