REVEALED:  African Green Vegetable that Burns Excess Body Fat Fast!

From The Desk Of: Coach Olu Aijotan
Time: 07.30

Dear Fat Loss Subscriber,

Last Monday, I showed you a trick that you can use to eat "fatty" Indomie and get away with it.

By the way, If you miss that FREE report, make sure you Click here to read it again.

Today, I am going to introduce to you to a popular fruit which is also classified as a vegetable that actually ignite your fat loss. You probably know this vegetable already but may not know how POWERFUL it is when it comes to weight loss.

This SPECIAL vegetable Fruit has powerful
fat burning nutrients...

It is widely available in any open air market in Nigeria, yet most people are unaware of the benefits that it can give.

That vegetable is called Garden Egg. Also known as "Egg Plant".

Benefits of Garden Egg

Garden Egg is very popular in Nigeria, and contains micronutrients such as potassium, manganese, copper and Vitamin B1.

Garden Egg is low in calories but high in fibre. When you eat it, it makes your stomach full quickly because it is high in fibre content and very low in carbohydrates (which is good for weight loss).

A medium sized garden egg contains just 14 calories.

To put that in perspective...

A can of coke contains 134 calories.  You will have to eat 10 large garden eggs to equal the amount of calories in a small can of coke!

Trust me, if you manage to eat 10 garden eggs, your belly will be filled up as if you just ate a really large meal. Whereas, a can of coke WILL NOT make you full.

Garden Egg does a lot more...

It will help you regulates blood pressure and suppress sugar level in your blood. Very highly recommended for diabetic patients.

To confirm the power of this egg plant, I want you to check out what an Abuja based Nutritionist attached to Wuse General Hospital has to say about this vegetable in one of her articles on the Vanguard Nigeria Newspaper below:

Click Here to read the full article in The Vanguard Nigeria Newspaper

BIG ADVICE: If you want to burn fat fast, you should add this vegetable egg plant to your meals by following these two method that I am going to show you below:

How to Use Garden Egg To Burn UGLY Fat

METHOD 1 - Eat Raw as a snack in between meals.

If you are currently undergoing a fat loss journey, you probably would have your daily food intake like below:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

What you can do is put garden egg as a snack in between your meals daily like below meal plan routine instead:



METHOD 2 - Eat it as healthy stew for your fat loss meals

You can prepare your own healthy Garden Egg Stew and eat it as a fat burning meal like below:

4- 5 medium garden eggs
1 tablespoon olive/coconut oil
1/4 medium onion (chopped)
blended pepper sauce (tomatoes + tatase + pepper)
1 teaspoon blended crayfish (optional)
2 - 4 pieces of dried fish


STEP 1 - Boil water in a pot, add in the garden egg and allow to boil for 5 minutes. Remove and set aside to cool off

STEP 2 - Put 1 tablespoon coconut/olive oil in a pan on medium heat, wait 2 - 3 minutes and add chopped onions.

STEP 3 - Add your blended pepper sauce and crayfish and dried fish and stir for 5 - 10 minutes.

STEP 4 - Roughly chop/crush your boiled garden egg and add the crushed garden egg into the sauce.

STEP 5 - Add a pinch of salt to taste and simmer for another 6 - 9 minutes.

STEP 6 - Serve with a slice of boiled yam or green plantain.

Here's what the finished version of the egg plant stew will look like:

I want to encourage you to try this fat burning recipe over the weekend. You will really enjoy it and reap the benefits that it gives your body.

To Conclude This Letter...

I have lots of other fat burning recipes like this in The 30-Day Fat Loss Program that you can eat for 30 days that consistently burn excess ugly fat off your body.

Get yourself a copy of My Amazing 30-Day Fat Loss Program that will help you BURN 5kg - 10kg of unwanted EXCESS UGLY fat in just 30 days from now.

If you are tired of the looks and the judgement you get from people around you in regards to your body weight, who think you are lazy, sloppy and don't take care of yourself,

If you are want a flatter belly, and good looking body, all you need to do is use this program for 30 Days and you will see amazing result in just 30 days from now, just like the women in the testimonial in the link below.

Click This Link To Get Your Own Copy Of
The 30-Day Fat Loss Program Today!

Thanks very much for reading. Do have a lovely weekend.

Yours Sincerely,

Olu Aijotan

Your Fat Loss & Nutrition Coach

P.S - Don't let your partner, colleagues, family & friends make your body the topic of discussion and gossip. Silence their critiscm by getting the 30-Day Fat Loss Program today at this link. You have no excuse!

Copyright - Inspira Publishing - All Right Reserved


All content on this site except when expressly stated) is owned by Olu Aijotan/ Publishing.

The views I share about weight loss as a health related topic are based on my own opinion and
experience and should not be taken as a substitute for medical advice. If you have an ailment, make
sure you see your doctor.

The testimonials on this website reflects the results of my committed subscribers. Individual eight/fat loss result will vary from person to person.