REVEALED: How To Prepare Fat Burning Nigerian Stew In Your Own Kitchen Easily...

Try This Sizzling Delicious Nigerian Stew At Home.

From The Desk Of: Coach Olu Aijotan
Time: 08.43

Dear Fat Loss Subscriber,

As Nigerians, we love our Palm oil. If you are like me, you love it in your meal.

Rarely does a day goes by without eating food that is rich in palm oil. It makes our
food taste nice, delicious, yummy etc.

But as much as we like this palm oil...its EXTREMELY fatty!

Imagine, a tablespoon of Palm oil has 120 calories in it.  Let's say you want to cook stew for two people, and you use 1/4 cup of palm oil to cook it, it means you have 1,442 calories from the oil alone.

Now, the statement above might not mean much to you, but let me put it into perspective.

It would take an 80kg person 1 hour 30 minutes to burn 1,442 calories while running
at 10km per hour on a treadmill.

That is a lot of fat!

It WILL NOT help your fat loss journey at all.

Don't get me wrong. Palm Oil is a healthy oil to cook with and it should NOT be a problem to put it in your cooking if you are not looking to lose weight.

But if you are currently looking to lose weight, then you have to cut down on the amount of palm oil in your cooking and the meals you eat.

That is why you should cut down your palm oil consumption as much as possible if you are on a weight loss journey.

Yes. cut it down as much as possible!

Now, you might ask....."Coach Olu...If I cut out palm oil. what will I use to cook my stew?"

My answer is.....

Do your cooking Palm oil free! can cook your stew without using any oil whatsoever and it will still taste as nice.

For being a loyal subscriber that open all my emails & read them...I am going to show
you a secret method for cooking palm oil free stew that will aid your fat loss as a special thank you gift. . .

Are you ready for this?

Great!....Let's go!

RECIPE: How To Make Stew Without Palm Oil


Medium chicken/Beef (cut into sizes)
1 medium onion
7 Tomatoes
2 Bell pepper (Tatashe)
1 - 3 Pepper Little Salt/Maggi


STEP 1 - Season & Boil your chicken/beef as desired until tender.

STEP 2 - Remove the cooked chicken/Beef from the stock (Chicken/beef water)

STEP 3 - Blend your tomatoes & Pepper & put it in the pot. Heat until the water is dry.

STEP 4 - Pour in the chicken/free stock and cook for 15 minutes.

STEP 5 - Add the chicken/beef and leave to simmer for 10 - 15 minutes.

STEP 6 - Serve with secret fat burning swallow or rice ( Secret fat burning swallow & rice in the 30 Day Fat Loss Program)


If you notice properly, there is ABSOLUTELY no where in the above recipe that we have
used Palm oil or any type of oil whatsoever to cook our stew.

Just by doing the above, we have cut out 1,443 calories from our food without starving ourselves or wasting precious time at the gym!

QUICK TIP: When you cook you other soup that have vegetables in them such as (Ugwu, Spinach/efo Green etc), instead of blessing it with lots of palm oil, use as little as possible.

I want you to try this stew recipe at home. When you do, I want you to take photos of
the prepared stew (if you can)...and send me feedback via email (with the photo as well).

The recipe I just showed you is just one out of many fat burning recipes that I share in The 30 Day Fat Loss Program. You can get your own copy by following the instructions below:

Get yourself on the 30 Day Fat Loss Program by following the instructions below to get your own copy rightaway:

Follow Below Instructions To Order For Your 
30-Day Fat Loss Program Today

Follow The Instructions Below To Get Your Own Copy Of The 30-Day Fat Loss Program

STEP 1 - Pay the sum of N5,500 into any of the bank details below:

Bank Name - Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)
Account Name – Tunity Services
Account Number – 003-5858-507


Bank Name – United Bank For Africa (UBA)
Account Name – Tunity Services
Account Number – 101-4607-102

NOTE - If you are unable to go to the bank, you can ask someone to pay on your behalf, do a direct transfer through Internet banking, mobile money transfer or ATM direct transfer. 

STEP 2 - Once you make payment, simply send me the details of your 
payment to 

Make the subject of your email to say: PAYMENT FOR 30 DAY FAT LOSS PROGRAM

Send the following details in the email:

- Your Full Name
- Your Email Address
- Teller Number You used To Make Payment (
or state what method you paid with if e.g. via mobile, internet,ATM etc)
- Payee Name On the Teller
- Bank Name You Paid Into

That is all you need to send to me.

Once I receive your payment email and I confirm your payment from the bank, You will get an email from me which will contain the download links of all the fat loss materials (as above) that you ordered for so that you can download it and start using it.

PLEASE NOTE - All the above products are digital books in soft copies (Adobe PDF) and are NOT available in any bookshop in Nigeria. You can only get The 30-Day Fat Loss Program on this website and nothing whatsoever will be shipped via courier.

If you want a flatter belly, and good looking body, boost your confidence and be able to wear the dress you have abandoned in the wardrobe for too long, all you need to do is use this program for 30 Days and you will see amazing result.

That is it for today. Thanks very much for reading. I can't wait to hear about how you cooked your own fat burning stew too.

To your amazing new body.


Olu Aijotan,

Your Fat Loss & Nutrition Coach

P.S - I realize that it can be difficult figuring out WHAT food to eat & exactly what
to do when trying to lose weight.

And I realize that a lot of times, you may be quite busy with work & never have time to actually focus on burning excess body fat to help you transform your body and give you your confidence back.

That is why I got you covered. In the 30 Day Fat Loss Program, It has a 30 day fat
burning meal plan & 20 minutes workout routine for you to use in just 20 minutes.

P.S.S - Take the meal plan & the fat loss routines as it is, use it - you have my express permission to do this. And watch as the excess body fat melt off your body.


Copyright - Inspira Publishing - All Right Reserved


All content on this site except when expressly stated) is owned by Olu Aijotan/ Publishing.

The views I share about weight loss as a health related topic are based on my own opinion and
experience and should not be taken as a substitute for medical advice. If you have an ailment, make
sure you see your doctor.

The testimonials on this website reflects the results of my committed subscribers. Individual eight/fat loss result will vary from person to person.