Egg Yolk - Is It REALLY Bad For You?

Read This Fat Loss Article To Find

From The Desk Of: Coach Olu Aijotan
Time: 07.53

Dear Fat Loss Subscriber,

I often get lots of questions from many suscribers about Egg and its Yolk. I am talking about that Yellow part in the egg. I get questions such as:

"Is Egg Yolk Bad for me?"

"Can it REALLY make me fat?"

"Should I eat Egg White Only?"

These are few "frequently asked questions (FAQs) I get everyday from people who are confused about eating the white part or the "yellow(yolk)" part of the egg.

It finally got to a peak today...that I decided to address it.

Few months ago. I & the wife were holidaying in Albufeira, Portugal. We took the week off just to have a holiday for ourselves.  It was at a nice hotel. By the beach.

The hotel had an infinity pool. Those kind of pool that extends into the blue ocean.  It has a restaurant too with transparent glass walls that overlook the ocean.

With it, you can eat your meal while seeing the ocean waves, hearing the ocean roar and
watching birds fly by the bank.

The view was serene and has this peaceful tranquillity that warms up your soul.


So, while eating breakfast with wify in this restaurant one particular morning. I noticed
a lady eating at a table opposite ours.  She was cracking the boiled eggs open.
Scooping the egg yolk and throwing it into the waste bowl on her table.

I shook my head in shock
and horror!

This is a perfect example of how confused most people are about nutrition. Only God
knows where that false info came from. That Egg Yolk Is bad for weight loss.


The yolk contains 90% of the calcium, iron, phosphorous, Zinc, B6 & B12 of the egg. Not
only that. The Yolk contains essential vitamins like A, D, E & K and essential fatty acids (EFA).

There is also a misconception. That Yolk skyrocket cholesterol in the body.

No, this is actually FALSE!

Heart disease is a disease. High cholesterol is NOT a disease. Cholesterol is actually good for your body. The good one. It's called high density lipoprotein (HDL) and your body needs it to function well.

And egg Yolk (that yellow part) is actually a source of HDL (the good cholesterol)

According to a university of Connecticut (America) study showed that a group of men
in the study that ate 3 eggs per day for 12 weeks while on a reduced carb, higher fat
diet increased their HDL good cholesterol by 20%. while their bad cholesterol (LDL) stayed the same during the story.

However, the group that are egg whites only. Saw no change whatsoever in either their
good cholesterol or bad cholesterol.

Egg yolk contains calories that have a micro-nutrient density. They help you feel
full and reduces hunger pangs.

This actually HELP you to
burn off body fat!

And that is exactly why "whole eggs" are included in the meal plan for the 30 Day  Fat Loss Program which I recently launched.

Whole egg eaters actually eat less calories during the day because their appetite are
more satisfied compared to people who eat cereal and white bread who would be more
prone to food cravings.

Anyway. That is it done! Off my mind. I hope this clarifies your doubts about egg yolk.

Now, you can go back to eating your whole egg. Stop eating only egg whites. Enjoy the
taste of the yolk. Burn Fat, and get value for your money.

Stop listening to bad advice from people who have no idea what weight loss as well as
food & nutrition really is.

That is why you should take doubts & bad advice out of your weight loss journey by
signing up for the 30 Day Fat Loss Program.  In it, you get exact meal plans that
actually help you burn fat off your body over a period of 30 days.

Get yourself on the 30 Day Fat Loss Program by clicking on the link below to sign up right away:

If you want a flatter belly, and good looking body, all you need to do is use this program for 30 Days and you will see amazing result like the women in the testimonial in the link below.

Click This Link To Get Your Own Copy Of
The 30-Day Fat Loss Program Today!

That is it for today. Thanks very much for reading. Do Enjoy your eggs and get a leaner body!

To your amazing new body.


Olu Aijotan,

Your Fat Loss & Nutrition Coach

P.S - I realize that it can be difficult figuring out WHAT food to eat & exactly what
to do when trying to lose weight.

And I realize that a lot of times, you may be quite busy with work & never have time to actually focus on burning excess body fat to help you transform your body and give you your confidence back.

That is why I got you covered. In the 30 Day Fat Loss Program, I have a 30 day fat
burning meal plan & workout routine for you to use in just 20 minutes.

P.S.S - Take the meal plan & the fat loss routines as it is, use it - you have my express permission to do this. And watch as the excess body fat melt off your body.

Go to ==>

And I'll give you all the step-by-step guide and plan you need to transform into that
sexy slim body that will turn heads for a second look and make all your colleagues at
work ask "How did you do it".

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All content on this site except when expressly stated) is owned by Olu Aijotan/ Publishing.

The views I share about weight loss as a health related topic are based on my own opinion and
experience and should not be taken as a substitute for medical advice. If you have an ailment, make
sure you see your doctor.

The testimonials on this website reflects the results of my committed subscribers. Individual eight/fat loss result will vary from person to person.